A downloadable game

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This is an honors project for Abertay's DES410 class. The game is inspired by other Action RPG games such as Granblue Fantasy: Relink, and Final Fantasy XVI.

The main focus of the game is to encourage players to use the different attacks that they earn both for combat and for exploration.

This game is intended to be played with a PlayStation controller (preferably PS5) but any controller should work fine

CONTROLS (Playstation/Xbox):

- Left Stick: Move

- Right Stick: Move Camera

- L1/Left Trigger (hold): Toggle Special Attack 

- X/A: Jump / Down Special Attack

- Circle/B: Roll / Right Special Attack

- Square/X: Attack / Left Special Attack

- Triangle/Y: Heavy Attack in the air after attacking / Up Special Attack

- L3/ Click Left Stick In: Lock On

- Start: Pause Game


These controls are only useable through the keyboard

- 0: Reload Scene

- 8: Debug/Demo Scene

- 9: Main Scene

- Alt: Unlock all attacks

- Tab: Lock all attacks

- Numpad 1-9: to individually unlock one of the nine attacks

- Shift + Numpad 1-9: Teleport to different sections of the level 

(teleport may need to be mashed in the main level as the players physics doesnt like this and tries to force you back to where you should be)

Known Bugs:

- If the getting up animation plays more than once after drowning/dying let it fully play out to avoid it repeating itself

- Enemies may phase through some objects or walls. This is because their navmesh would completley ignore some objects when baking for some reason.

- Enemies may float in the air or stop moving after some interactions.

- When using the Torrent Embrace attack, enemies might not be moved in front of the player if they have to travel across gaps

- The player may randomly get stuck and not be able to move, roll or attack. USING JUMP SHOULD FIX THIS.

(Alternativley if the player cannot jump for whatever reason, using attack should fix this.)

- If the player rolls at just before a cutscene, they will gain massive amounts of speed for a second or two after the cutscene is finished

- If the player is in a special state (aim, ice hold) during a cutscene they may need to jump afterwards to regain control

- Drowning/Dying may cause skill cooldowns to stop, just pause and unpause to resume them if this happens.

- When using the debug tools to teleport around, the player may auto target onto the last enemy hit so be wary if you choose to use these


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Elemental Conquest V1.1.rar 939 MB

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